Thursday, December 14, 2006

Guidance For Your Child Athlete

Attention all parents:
Our tip this week is to make sure that your child is passionate about his/her sport. Just because you like sport doesn't mean your child does. He/she might be good at or just love a different sport. Go with it. It might seem boring to you, but teaching them young to follow their passions can lead to happy and successful children.
One of our children who is a very talented soccer player simply quit in 6th grade. He just didn't want to be there anymore. There was no point in arguing when he preferred to be on the ice playing hockey. Making the change made our life easier simply because he was happy.
We recommend you look for your child's passion, and follow it. Most likely you will all end up happier!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Probably the hardest thing we as parents do when we love a sport is to thrust it upon the kids. With club sports and travelling sports so rampant now a days how do you ensure that your kids don't burn out to quickly and end up hated the sport they loved?