Saturday, February 17, 2007

When to Start Your Child in Sports

I recently spoke to a group of parents who wanted to know what's the appropriate age to introduce organized athletics to their child. Of course, there is no absolutely "right" answer, but I have some guidelines:

1. Look for your child should express an interest in a sport. For example, if they enjoy kicking around the soccer ball in the yard and they participate well in group situations, such as preschool, then consider joining the appropriate local soccer team for their age group.

2. Vary the sports. I believe that preschool and elementary age children should be introduced to multiple sports so a parent will be able to observe their child and learn what the child's true passions are. If you introduce swimming for a session, then gymnastics, then a soccer team in the spring, a parent might notice their child enjoying one sport over another.

3. Encourage playing all sports in the yard or park as much as possible. I have interviewed many high-level athletes, and they often state that they begin their children in sports at older ages than most parents in today's world. These athletes do not see an urgency to have their children in organized sports in preschool or even the first years of elementary school.

Always look for your child's natural talents in a sport, but remember that your child should express a passion to participate too.

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