Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Today, over 300 bloggers, including bestsellers, Emmy winners, movie makers, and publishing houses have come together to talk about THE LIAR'S DIARY by Patry Francis.

In support of Author Patry Francis, recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and unable to promote her book, we are urging you to purchase her newly released book THE LIAR'S DIARY in paperback.

Please feel free to read Patry's blog and her blog post about her cancer.

Here are the publisher's words:

Answering the question of what is more powerful—family or friendship? this debut novel unforgettably shows how far one woman would go to protect either.

They couldn’t be more different, but they form a friendship that will alter both their fates. When Ali Mather blows into town, breaking all the rules and breaking hearts (despite the fact that she is pushing forty), she also makes a mark on an unlikely family. Almost against her will, Jeanne Cross feels drawn to this strangely vibrant woman, a fascination that begins to infect Jeanne’s “perfect” husband as well as their teenaged son.

At the heart of the friendship between Ali and Jeanne are deep-seated emotional needs, vulnerabilities they have each been recording in their diaries. Ali also senses another kind of vulnerability; she believes someone has been entering her house when she is not at home—and not with the usual intentions. What this burglar wants is nothing less than a piece of Ali’s soul.
When a murderer strikes and Jeanne’s son is arrested, we learn that the key to the crime lies in the diaries of two very different women . . . but only one of them is telling the truth. A chilling tour of troubled minds, The Liar’s Diary signals the launch of an immensely talented new novelist who knows just how to keep her readers guessing.

Click on any of the following links to purchase THE LIAR'S DIARY:

Thank you for your support.

Kim & Ed


Carolyn Burns Bass said...

Hi, Kim. Just stopping by from Backspace to say hi and sprinkle a bit'o bliss to you on Patry blog day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Carolyn. I appreciate your stopping by!