Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sports Parenting Reminder: Cheer for ALL Team Members

Today, I was at a youth soccer game. While sitting next to a couple of enthusiastic parents, I noticed that their cheering and yelling (encouraging words) were genuine. These parents were cheering for ALL team members, not only their daughter.

So many sports parents yell AT their child and forget about the actual support all children need. Isn't it our job to support and encourage our children? Don't we all want to help our children as much as possible? Isn't it best to support all children on a team?

Kids love to hear the following phrases:
  • Great pass!
  • Nice stop!
  • Good team work!
  • Way to work hard!
  • You can do it!
  • Awesome move!

The next time your child or another child on the team is having a bad day during a game, try yelling or cheering some words of encouragement. You might be surprised by the results!

I was thrilled to hear this type of encouragement from parents. Sometimes we can all use a reminder.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you totally. I suggest that fans cheer for, or encourage, the players by name, however if the child's name is not known, a cheer to the name of the team works well. When a child hears his/her parents cheer for other team members it is a good model for them to follow as they too should cheer for and praise their team mates. I also believe that if a child on the opposing team has an exceptional play that he/she should be acknowledged by parents from both teams. As you mentioned, Kim, ALL children need our support and praise and encouragement. Thanks for your blog. -Beth