Sunday, January 18, 2009

Learning to Love Youth Sports...

Is it possible--do some sports parents hate youth sports? Are there really parents out there with no desire to watch a youth baseball, basketball, or soccer game? Ouch!

Yes, it's possible that a parent might not enjoy watching a youth sports game, but I firmly believe that everyone can learn to enjoy watching their own child play a sport. The following tips are ways to help you ignite an interest in a sport:

  1. Watch for improvement. Seeing your daughter swim a lap two seconds faster than her last race can add some excitement to those quick races.
  2. Learn the game. If you learn the rules of a game, you'll have a better understanding and know what to look for when you're watching.
  3. Try the sport. That's right...if you actually get out in the yard and throw the football with ten of the neighborhood kids, you might feel the excitement and understand the thrill of success when you're actually playing the game.
  4. Join in the hype. Many parents get pumped up and excited when watching a youth sports game. Even if you're not thrilled because you don't have the same passion as your child, fake it. Passion can be catchy if you give it a try.

Go team!

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