Friday, April 17, 2009

Remember the Aches and Pains

While we're cheering and encouraging our kids to work hard in their sport, we tend to forget about the aches and pains and wear and tear on their young bodies.

I went almost two weeks without any intense exercise. And then I decided the other day to jump into a kick-boxing class. Ouch! I'm paying the price with those ultra-sore muscles. You know--the kind that make you cringe evey time you walk up or down the stairs. Since I've been complaining about it, I began to empathize with my kids and their aches and pains.

Most kids are in school all day, participate in sports practices after school, and sometimes play outside, too. Think of the physical toll on their bodies the next time they're exhausted and complaining of sore muscles. It might be annoying to hear them whine, but if you get out there and workout, you'll get a real good taste of how kids feel.

Keep this in mind the next time your child complains of sore muscles and be sure to have a little compassion!

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