Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Break?

Perhaps you traveled to a youth soccer tournament or watched your child play in a local hockey game game on Thanksgiving morning. Your sister said that you're obsessed with sports and your mother's angry you didn't come home for the holiday.

Others aside, I hope you found ways to celebrate the holiday with your children and reminded them to be thankful - there is more to life than sports.

My family was in the "watching-a-youth-hockey-game" group. Yes, I admit it. We didn't have a traditional Thanksgiving. So how did we make it a memorable holiday? We approached it as an adventure:

-Drove halfway across the country on Wednesday. Yes, we were in a car instead of an airplane. (Did you know that a fourteen-year-old boy can talk for more than 14 hours and still have a voice?)

-Relaxed most of Thanksgiving day in a hotel suite. That's right - some rare R&R.

-Ate at Lonestar. The coach asked the team to hold off until Friday for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. The kids didn't mind, but they're looking forward to a belated turkey dinner next week.

-Watched a USHL hockey game - Sioux Falls vs. Sioux City (11/26/09). Our son Clark was in the lineup so his brother and sister saw where plays hockey. Here are a few pictures from the game.

Breea, Anna (family friend), and Cameron

Clark is on the left (#6)


We missed our relatives this year, but this was surely a Thanksgiving adventure we'll never forget. I'm especially thankful for good health, family, jobs, and that our children were together for the holiday. I'm also thankful that Cameron's hockey coach and Breea's swim coach allowed the kids to take a few days off.

Please wish us luck on our loooong drive home. (Does anyone know where I can buy earplugs?)

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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