Friday, November 26, 2010

Fans, You are Role Models (whether you like it or not)...

Last night I attended a hockey game and was surrounded by quite a few crazy fans. First, I need to tell you that I'm fairly patient and don't mind the occasional crazy fan running through the stands leading a chant or beating on a drum just for fun. However, I'm definitely not happy with fans holding up a sign that says: You suck.

Sorry, but I draw the line when it comes to lack of respect. I have an impressionable twelve-year-old daughter who naturally gets caught up in the hoopla. One glance at the sign and Breea started yelling you suck right back at the fans. Not so good. Kids learn from what they see and hear. If they hear nasty language in public places, then they tend to think that's OK. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Another example of disrespect at last night's game was when the announcer introduced the opposing team's players. The fans again chanted you suck after every name. Even I, as an adult who realizes the difference between respect and disrespect, was offended by this behavior. This is just not nice. There are better ways to fend off the enemy.

What happened to the good old days of having wholesome (for lack of a better word) fun at the game? Where did the simple chant hey, hey, hey, goodbye... go? Or we will, we will, rock you...? We are all raising the next generation and our country's future adults. One day these kids will be in charge. Please, oh please, think before you act.

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