Thursday, May 15, 2008

Missing a Practice or Game...

The other night our daughter had a soccer practice with me, (Kim), as the coach, our son had a lacrosse practice, and our oldest son had a lacrosse game. In the scheme of things, this was a fairly simple night--each child had only one place to be and only one of us was coaching. (There have been nights that both of us had to coach and the children had multiple activities, such as Brownies, Religion Class, and two sports practices.)

The problem was that I don't often watch our oldest son's lacrosse games because I'm coaching another sport or driving the other two kids to practices. So...this week I was determined to watch his game.

After a long day of worrying about how I was going to get each child where he or she needed to be, I managed to drop my daughter at a teammate's house an hour before her soccer practice. I told my middle child that he had to ride his bike to lacrosse practice and that I would pick him and his bike up at the end of his practice. (It is possible for him to ride his bike two miles to practice, but we have to be careful in case of rain.) Last, I drove across town in rush hour and managed to watch our oldest son's game. Hooray!

In this case, it was me who missed coaching; however, a co-coach covered for me. Each day I juggle and figure out how I can get each of my children to their activities. I do my best, but sometimes one of us has to miss an activity, especially when Ed is out of town.

This is youth sports, and I'm human. Let's face it--it might be difficult, but sometimes we have to just say "no."


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