Monday, June 15, 2009

Youth Coaches: Please Stand While Coaching!

I've recently noticed a few coaches sitting while coaching youth sports. I completely disagree with this method. Instead of explaining the negatives, I share with you here a few reasons why I encourage coaches to stand:

1) A coach who stands appears enthusiastic. Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm. Trust me, it can be catching. Part of being a coach is having enthusiasm for the game.

2) It's easier to motivate players while standing. Have you ever seen a hockey coach (at any level) sit on the bench while coaching? How about an NBA or NFL coach? No way! Sure, your young child is not a pro player, but I certainly hope that if he's part of a team at any age, you would want him to be motivated in some manner.

3) Standing actually helps a coach to "coach" the kids. Yes, I mean "coach" the kids--talk to them, explain what they're doing right or wrong or what they should be doing. This helps kids to learn and improve.

I beg you to encourage your child's coach to stand. Trust me. I strongly believe it's in your child's best interest. If you disagree with this post, please let me know - I'd love to hear from you.


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