Sunday, July 5, 2009

Time for a Vacation

Sports, sports, and more sports. Finding time for a vacation is almost impossible. You run from one game to the next, a private lesson, a camp, and then a skills clinic. How could you possibly leave town?

Take the time. Make the time. Go on a vacation and have some fun.

I know...Suzie can't miss her gymnastics practice or Joey will get cut from his football team if your family heads out of town. Unfortunately, it's inevitable that one of you or your children will have to miss something.

Do your best to choose a good time and stick to it. Get away and relax. Kids, just like you, need a break once in a while. You know the feeling--*awe*. When you're away, you don't worry about your day-to-day routine. Upon your return, you're refreshed and ready to jump back into your life with renewed energy. Kids feel the same way.

When you're deciding on the best time to get away, be sure to consider the following:

  • Don't leave at the beginning of the season. Kids are just starting to get in shape. If your child misses the gradual steps towards getting in shape, he risks injury by working out too hard upon his return.
  • Try not to leave during important tryouts. Tryouts are important for children and coaches. Your child will feel more comfortable and true part of the team if he earns a spot just like everyone else.
  • Try not to leave for a long period of time during season. You signed your child up for a team and he's committed. If it's possible to wait until the season ends, wait.
  • Let your child help you choose a time. Your child might resist the idea of leaving town because of love of the game, fear of being punished by a coach upon return, or simply fear of the unknown. By involving her with the decision making, she might feel more comfortable with the ultimate decision.
Remember to enjoy your time away!

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