Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Believe it or not my niece and I (Kim) were on hockey skates for the first time earlier today. I've watched a thousand youth hockey games, yet I've never had those darn slippery skates on my own two feet.

Figure skates I can handle. I'm good at using those toe picks to keep me from falling. Hockey skates? There are no toes picks. The blades are smooth from front to back so I was sliding around in all sorts of directions. (Don't worry - my son took a few minutes to show me the ropes before I took my niece out on the ice.)

The next time you yell at your child for falling down during a hockey game, striking out at bat, or kicking a weak soccer pass, give it a try yourself - it's not always so easy. You might even get a good laugh at how untalented you really are. And I'll bet (or hope) you'll lighten up on your child.

During this holiday season, have some fun and try a new sport!

Happy Holidays!


Anonymous said...

I SO don't do ice skates. Or roller blades. Not if you want me to let go of the railing at the rink, or the nearby tree! My son rockclimbs with grace and ease--I haven't tried it yet. Can I just watch in awe and not go there? :)

Kim and Ed Cristofoli said...

Becky, I'm with you on the rockclimbing - just watch in awe. I love your attitude.